Round 2 complete

The last week or so has been pretty busy for us all. We have been dedicated to getting Abby to her treatments in the city, and back to the house for hydration. While we were in the city we stayed for 4 nights at the Affinia Hotel on 34th street. I had the chance to see a few friends, and Abby had the chance to have some of her friends in NYC come visit. We both wish we had the chance to see everyone that was around, but she wasn’t feeling so great after the treatments and was very tired most of the time. We did have the chance to stay at Max and Liz’s apartment in Midtown for a night and they have offered to let us stay with them when we need to come in for her treatments. It is beyond gracious, and we appreciate them both so much. Max and Abby have been the best of friends since high school. Liz is his beautiful wife that has known Abby for over 10 years now. Staying with them feels just like staying in our own home, and comfort is what we want most for Abby when she cannot be in her own bed.

The first night that we arrived in the city, I was in touch with one of my clients from Groupon. I had told Prentiss a few weeks prior about what was going on with Abby and he told me about his Wellness Meal delivery program that he runs with his wife Divya. Divya is the chef, and she cooks fresh Ayurvedic Vegetarian meals. I had the chance to talk to Divya about how her meals are prepared with good intentions, love, and peace. We set everything up, and they were kind enough to let Abby try one of the meals. When Abby tasted the food, it was the first time she showed some real excitement over what she was eating. Everything tasted good to her. We have now set her up on a schedule so that when we are in the city she will have meals delivered to her. If you live in the city, I highly recommend either taking a cooking class with Divya or having meals delivered to you. This is their website, and you can see a picture of Abby eating the food below.

Abby had the chance to have an arts and crafts party that started with the famous Jaime Fried. Jaime brought over magical markers, scissors, so many magazines, glue sticks, and of course scratch off lotto tickets ( which added $35 in winnings to orange for abby fund- thanks Jaime). By the time they were ready to start pasting things together, Anouchka, Max, and Liz popped in to help decorate. It was nice to have everyone around to spend time with. We also got a really awesome animal inspired collage to hang somewhere in our house. Max also had the chance to add some decoration to one of the pieces of artwork hanging in the hotel room.

Friday night, we got to meet a special Spynx named Sully. Sully’s mom, Sacha (aka Brat Child) came over with her cabbage patch named Con Edison and Sully to have a play-date with Abby. If you haven’t had the chance to meet a Spynx, you should try to talk Sacha into coming over. This cat is totally hairless. By far the strangest cat I have ever seen, but totally cute and lovable. Con Edison was left with Abby to take care of her. If you know Abby well, you know she has a blanket named Boppie that she loves to hold when she sleeps. Con Edison is Sacha’s sleepmate, and so you know Abby must be really special when Sach is willing to lend him out. Later that night we were joined by Julia and Steph who made a magical appearance and had the chance to sleepover with us.

Saturday we spent with Janet Klemons, who was kind enough to be there and help Abby feel better during a rough few hours. She helped us get situated at Max and Liz’s place and we had the chance to see some pretty interesting scenes out the window (ehem).

All in all, the 5 days spent in the city during the Chemo treatment were filled with a lot of smiles and laughs and love. Although it was not an easy time, we were with people we love and people who really love Abby a ton! The positive energy that has been surrounding Abby through this difficult time whether it is in person, through a text, email, facebook message, comment, picture, song, phone call, package, snail mail, etc….. you guys are the strength that is helping us pull through this difficult time. From the most recent blood tests it seems as if Abby is responding well to the Chemo treatment. We appreciate all of the love and support. We also want to thank everyone for donating and buying their bracelets. We had run out, but the new bracelets have arrived and I will begin mailing more of them out tomorrow. Go ahead and get yours through the donate button.

We hope to see and talk to all of you soon. We will update you with more info as it comes.

Words for the week

2 thoughts on “Round 2 complete

  1. Thanks for the update!! I am so glad that you have so many great friends to help and support the two of you.Like Hilary Clinton said it takes a village and you guys have an awesome village!! Every time I see or wear orange I think of Abby our thoughts are with you our love is with you and our prayers!!! Love, Vicky Jon Norty and Ollie

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